Silhouette of photographer.

The Benefits of Establishing an Online Presence for Artists

Artists of any medium are often self-made. However, constant social media and online culture in everyday life has changed how artists are represented and established. An online presence can be the gateway to completing a personal artistic project or professional goals.

Find out how artists benefit from establishing an online presence below.

Accessible Online Platforms for Artists

Art is easily accessible through almost any online platform, yet an artist’s intention and understanding of the platform is vital for success. Likewise, artists can potentially grow a following, commissions, and creative collaborations from a successful online page. They can also pursue online fandoms and communities. According to SocialPilot, a marketing analytics service, a creator “understands their audience, showcases visuals effectively, and engages with art communities.” Social platforms like Instagram or Pinterest can be ideal for showcasing one’s work from small details to progression posts. 

Building a following can be achieved through other platforms like TikTok, DeviantArt, or even Twitch. For instance, TikTok’s video comment reply can be turned into art prompts for artists. Conversely, DeviantArt is personalized for artists to display their work in a personal gallery, home page, or online community groups. Lastly, Twitch, the live streaming service, features an art category for artists to live stream themselves working on a piece. In essence, any online platform can be used to an artist’s strengths, but a platform’s purpose and artist’s intentions should be considered.

Self-Built Online Notoriety

Additionally, an online presence can further validate an artist’s projects, work, and name for its quality and acclaim online. A prime example is 14-year-old LEGO animator Preston Mutanga being featured as an official animator in 2023’s Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Mutanga’s YouTube channel gained immense traction due to his LEGO one-to-one animation of the film’s second trailer.

GQ, a men’s magazine, reports that “Mutanga’s animation work impressed Spider-Man writer-producers Phil Lord and Christopher Miller.” GQ also reports that Mutanga animated a particularly memorable sequence in the film with feedback provided by Miller. Self-built online notoriety can help artists be recognized by industry leaders and a high-quality body of work can entice collaborations for creative projects. Moreover, an online presence can publicize one’s artistic talents and art quality, but networking can also provide that opportunity.


Networking can be the shift an artist needs to begin working in a desired field like video games, film, or music. Services like Freelancer or Upwork can help connect artists of all kinds to directors, writers, or other employers. As a result, artists can find their desired career path, and it mutually benefits the two creators. For instance, Instagram allows Collaborative Posts that co-joints two accounts into one post allowing for further exposure of one’s talents and work. With a project, one can bring an idea, theme, tone, melody, character, etc. to life. Networking provides creators with the opportunity to begin a career and improve one’s creativity.

The Art of an Online Presence

Social media and online platforms can be a major advantage for artists who want to pursue their desired career paths. Artists should consider their expertise with a platform, and what their end-goal resembles. An online page dedicated to one’s work can be the turning point for an authentic and professional career.

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