Woman and man shaking hands.

How to Build a Network

Networking. Some dread it, and some find it exciting, but it’s undeniable that working to build a network is extremely important. It can mean the difference between working hard for a job or losing it to a candidate with a business connection.

Networks don’t build themselves and require lots of time and work, so here are some methods to gaining social capital.

Social Media

Establishing a social media presence is one way to build up one’s network. It’s hard to deny that an online persona can open up many opportunities. People with large followings on Instagram and TikTok have gone on to finalize movie deals and create Superbowl commercials.

Cultivating a social media presence can help not only kickstart a strong network but maintain and establish a brand. Social media can also help find industry and networking events meanwhile self-promoting presents themselves.

Besides expanding a network, one should be willing to help others connect with notable industry members. Tagging others in relevant posts leaves an impression on them. The more one’s posts appear, the larger the impression.

Image of some different social media platforms.

Don't Take Advantage

Networks should be mutual wins. One will feel used and unappreciated if they are only on the giving side of a network. Keeping in contact and reconnecting at least every few months makes one feel valued and maintains a strong connection. 

People with high social capital focus on fostering relationships with other industry professionals rather than anticipating a benefit. In addition, one should show politeness and professional integrity.

When a career opportunity is brought from mentor to pupil, a polite and professional pupil will be remembered more than a passive individual. These professional relationships should be maintained over time.

Network Makes the Dream Work

Networking can be important for a successful career. It can land someone their dream job and advance their career. Keeping one’s network fresh with new contacts and strong with older clients can be crucial to developing one’s career. A connection can make all the difference.

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