Woman in an interview with 2 other people.

5 Best Internship Tips for College Graduates

Internships can become overwhelming and may feel like missed opportunities, but there are several resources a student can utilize. Students are expected to find opportunities on their own but may not consider obstacles such as time or unrecognized resources. 

College graduates can be distinguished and better prepared by following the internship tips below.

1. Time Limit Awareness

Graduate students may consider taking time for themselves after graduating but may not be aware of potential internship time limits. For instance, many internship postings may indicate a graduation time frame such as a six month post graduation time period.

Time may also be an obstacle as internships revolve around school calendars and can be offered seasonally. It is best to keep time in mind since many internships look for recent graduate students.

2. Internship Hubs

One may ask: Where’s the best place for internships? Chegg Internships can be a fantastic internship resource that can filter internships based on keywords, location, and education level. Graduates should also research their own student portal or school services that may offer exclusive internships which may go unnoticed.

A Google or LinkedIn search for nearby internships may result in convenient and nearby opportunities as well. However, those services may rank outdated or unrelated search results.

3. Network Recommendations

Professors may have job or internship recommendations from their respected fields to offer students, so it’s worth asking. Likewise, program counselors or advisors may also have exclusive internship opportunities only offered to their programs.

Students can also count on their professors and advisors for guidance too if they cannot offer an internship opportunity.

4. Distinguished Internship Resume

Resumes can be the first impression hiring managers have of recent graduates so it’s best to have a distinguished resume. Career coach J.T. O’Donnell advises that show don’t tell is an impressive tactic that surpasses adjectives.

Relevant information relating to the job will be much more important and crucial for recruiters to recognize, according to O’Donnell. A resume can also stand out for its format such as colors other than black, experience listings, and skill list.

Students should experiment and dedicate time to make a well made resume with help from a workshop or instructor.

5. Interview Tips

Interviews can be the most crucial step in an internship process. Interviewers often look for students who can communicate well and leave a great first impression. Internship descriptions can be an indicator of what a hiring manager expects.

It is helpful to reiterate their desired qualities as fundamental to one’s own experience in an interview. Again, professors, advisors, and school workshops can also be great resources to utilize. Additionally, they can offer real world advice besides resume help that can go unnoticed.

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Job hunting can be an overwhelming experience that demands various requirements, but college students can combat this through their resources.

Professors or an online internship service can lead students to new and prestigious entry level opportunities they wouldn’t have discovered 

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