resume on table

3 Ways to Boost Your Resume

When applying for a job, one of the first things you’ll be asked to show is a resume. One sheet of paper is supposed to entirely reflect you and your experience, so what appears on it is extremely important. If you are trying to boost your resume, there are a variety of different things you can do.

Here are three ways to take your resume to the next level:

celebrity resume example

1. Design

The first thing a hiring staff looks at on your application is the formatting and design. The font, colors, and organization makes a strong first impression so making the wrong choices can dramatically influence the presentation. Ultimately, your design should be clean and simple so that the focus is your accomplishments.

You should use a professional font like Times New Roman and make intentional use of font size and headings to draw the employer’s attention to the right sections. Most resumes will be read through quickly since your audience will have specific things they are looking for.

Everyone will have a different resume based on their experience. It’s a good idea to look at references online and get feedback from others.

2. Make It Personal

Making it personal doesn’t have to mean adding private information. You can personalize a resume to better reflect you through the organization. If you are still a student with less work experience, your resume likely will look different than a college graduate.

For instance, when you are in school still, it can be beneficial to utilize more space for your educational experience. The most important thing is to put your most current experience at the top. Your resume should reflect you and the position you are applying for. If you are applying to a marketing internship, your education and job experience should follow this track.

3. Keep It Simple

In line with the other two ways to boost your resume is keeping it simple. A disorganized, overpopulated page will overwhelm the employers and make it difficult to find the information they need. If you have a series of accomplishments, it might be beneficial to hone in on the ones specific to your field.

If you are applying for an animation internship, your dog-walking experience should not take priority over your animated short award. While these extra accomplishments can be helpful to showcase your range, the things specific to your field should always take the forefront of your resume.


When applying to a new position, a cover letter and resume could make or break your application. Since these are typically only given a quick read over, it’s important to make the page attention grabbing and easy for employers to read. When putting together your next draft, make sure to keep these tips in mind.

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